Black Coral Wax: Our Newest Product Offering

Black Coral Wax: Our Newest Product Offering

We pride ourselves on caring products that reflect the very honest care and compassion that our clients deserve. And part of that commitment is acknowledging that all skin types have...

Why Hard Wax Cracks, and Other Common Issues

Why Hard Wax Cracks, and Other Common Issues

There are a few major reasons your wax may be cracking or flaking off, and since there are so many variables involved, It’s important to know what to look for...

how to become an esthetician

How to Become an Esthetician

If you’re dreaming, keep going. We’re living in the era of becoming – and there’s absolutely nothing you can’t achieve if you take stock of your skills and passions. If...

raise salon prices

Why and How Should You Raise Your Salon’s Prices?

With shifts come pay increases and inflation. If you’re thinking about raising your salon’s prices, chances are it’s high time to implement that new services menu. Here's why and  how...